Come let us rebuild the walls...that we no longer be a reproach... Nehemiah 2:17b



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Memoirs of a Woman in Politics: Spiritual Struggles (2008)
by Joan M. Purcell

This book is ‘revolutionary’ in multiple ways. It is intensely personal as well as instructively political – both in a revolutionary sense. Rare insight is to be gained of theological and ideological struggles. Sharp analysis is made of politics in the arena of the Anglophone Caribbean. The perspective of a woman ‘freshens’ the analysis; and, the revelation of the mind of a dedicated Evangelical Christian stamps uniqueness on every page. Furthermore, practical suggestions are made for the improvement of Western Parliamentary democracy in this part of the world.
The prose is clear and artistic and the information holds interest from beginning to end.
Modesty in personality and mastery in writing shine through the story that is compelling reading for anyone with the slightest interest in the history, politics, religion and culture of Anglophone Caribbean countries.

“…a gift to humanity…this book leaves the reader intrigued, informed and inspired.” Dr. Christine Gutmann , Professor in Public Health, NY.

“…powerful, inspiring and gripping from beginning to end”.  Christopher DeRiggs, Poet, writer, playwright ,Former Minister of Health in the People’s Revolutionary Government

“…full of passion and sincerity…your journey is powerful…the hand of God shines forth…”. Norma Shorey-Bryan ,Caribbean Consultant in Human Resource Development Catalyst Consultants Inc.

“…brutally frank, grabbed by its sincerity, could not put it down. Well written, easy to read and want to read it again!”. Esther O’Neale ,Author, Lecturer in Communications ,T.A. Marryshow Community College & UWI School of Continuing Studies, Grenada.

“…was enthralled with the work…did not wish to be interrupted whilst reading…”. Rev. Dr. Osbert James, Minister of Religion, Communication Specialist

“…held my interest from beginning to end...gave me courage to hope and to go on amidst present difficulties” Joslyn Pierre, Young Friend and Mentoree.

At His Feet: Five Bible Studies for Women (2010)
by Joan M. Purcell

The Samaritan Encounter; The Healing Touch; Look to Jesus – Daughters of Abraham
Awake, Awake Deborah…and Lead; Life in the Sheepfold

These specially designed and thoughtfully selected bible studies are conveniently covered in fifty-two lessons – one for each week of the Year and provide the opportunity for both individual and small group study.

This Bible Study Series by Joan Purcell is a rare treasure of godly wisdom, totally spiritual, inspired by the Spirit and born of practical experience.  These studies have the potential to revolutionize the lives of women and to energize every Christian woman to reach their full potential in God.
- Bishop Christopher Baker, Senior Pastor , Evangelistic Centre, St. George’s, Grenada. W.I.

Vision of Change: A Caribbean Perspective (2011)
by Joan M. Purcell

In a world where power - political and economic - determines who gets to shape the destiny of countries and individuals, Vision of Change introduces a completely different paradigm by which those who would lead must live.  What is proposed, though not utopian, requires that leaders take an objective look at what has been the status quo for eons and admit that the various –isms have not worked. In Vision of Change a call goes forth for the dismantling of the present socio-political system which thrives off evil machinations, mal-intention, misinformation and misfortune and proposes instead governance characterized by spirituality, servant- hood, mutuality and humility.  This book will challenge and at times confront.

"Visions can be a broad-stroke statement about God and his relationship with us or they can penetrate our discourse challenging our values and existence.  Joan Purcell’s study of the Caribbean does the latter. A critical read for anyone who wants to put the soul back into the body-politics of the Caribbean".

Dr. Joel Edwards, International Director, Micah Challenge, World Evangelical Alliance.

“Joan Purcell presents a compelling vision of a more self-assured Caribbean. It is for this reason that Vision of Change bears the hallmark of a great book. The author certainly succeeds in her objective of marrying the ideals of faith, power and politics. Immersed in a Caribbean setting, this brilliant work sets the stage for a rejuvenated Caribbean leadership, politics and spirituality. In a lucid and elegant style, Joan Purcell offers a prescription for what a 21st Century Caribbean truly yearns.”

Professor Damien E. Graves, Lecturer, St. George’s University School of Medicine and Former Member of Parliament of the Government of St.Lucia, Eastern Caribbean.

From Wilderness to Promise (2014)
by Joan M. Purcell


This book presents, as its central focus, a snapshot of the political wanderings and spiritual meanderings of Grenada, an independent State in the Eastern Caribbean, for the past forty years (1974-2014). Written from a biblical perspective, it seeks to highlight some of the spiritual realities at play and their impact on the nation, its institutions, leadership and citizens. It issues a clarion call for serious stocktaking, urgent strategic thinking and clear value-driven governing to deal with the cosmic battle over Grenada's soul as it drifts further and further away from its godly moorings. It unapologetically and urgently calls for national repentance as a prerequisite to social and spiritual transformation in keeping with God's redemptive plan for individuals and nations.

"Joan Purcell's book is an unprecedented analysis of party politics in Grenada in that it explains the country's political history from a religious perspective. It is a must read for those who are seeking to understand the events that shaped the political landscape of Grenada."

Claude J. Douglas, Chair, Social Sciences Department, T.A. Marryshow Community College, Grenada)

This is a unique piece of literature with frank unravelling of Grenada's political saga for the past 40 years. I particularly like how the author smoothly outlines the nations' 40-year chronological events, connecting them with spiritual implications and analogies. The book skilfully points out the strengths and weaknesses of past and present political leaders and systems and how the populace responded to them. As I read the manuscript I was affected with a plethora of emotions: sadness, joy, grief, and ebullience, shock, upset and relief. The author's skilful and unbiased declarations of Grenada's political lows and highs beckons her readers to reflect, analyze, think, and repent as a people. The book's easy-to-read style encourages you to read from beginning to end. Every Grenadian should read this exhilarating book. I simply love it!

Reverend Stephenson Worme, Faith Tabernacle, Pomme Rose, St. David's, Grenada


Journeying With Jesus (2017)
by Joan M. Purcell


Journeying with Jesus is an experience in finding one's "first love" in Scripture. The focus of this Devotional Journal is on Jesus Christ as the very heart of God's unfolding plan, providing glimpses of Jesus in every book of the bible from Genesis to Revelation. The prayerful hope is that persons will find this devotional to be an open door of discovery into the awesome wonder of journeying with Jesus through His written revelation.

"I am happy to commend this unique devotional for its daring scope of highlighting the centrality of Jesus in each of the biblical books. It is no easy task to condense what could easily fill numerous pages into a simple and profound paragraph that encapsulates the Christological thrust of each book. I especially like the fact that, in addition to the devotional reflections, a thoughtful and reflective prayer, reflection questions, and a suggested bible reading plan are included. The other plus is that, unlike a daily devotional that introduces a new reading every day, this weekly devotional affords one the opportunity to revisit a particular reading for the entire week, each day drawing fresh insights from the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Jude Hector (B.SC., M.ED. Theology), Westerhall New Testament Church of God, Grenada, Eastern Caribbean


Joan Purcell (B.Sc.,M.ED.,Dip. Theology) has been involved in her country's politics for 25 years, serving as Cabinet Minister and Member of Parliament (1983 - 84, 1990 - 1999), and as President of the Senate (2008 - 2013).

She is a graduate of the University of the West Indies, the University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education and the IONA School of Theological Studies, USA.

In her professional life she is involved as a community activist, child and woman’s advocate, development worker and adult educator, with particular interest in Leadership Development.

Her church involvement included roles as Bible teacher, mentor as well as spiritual director. Her life of faith, as a follower of Jesus Christ for the past thirty-five years, combined with her experiences as a woman in politics is the context in which she writes.

Joan Purcell resides in Grenada near to her son, daughter-in-law and three grand-children.


Take No Side, Overcome: Call to Action Church in the Caribbean (2021)
by Joan M. Purcell


This book is a call to action. While it is addressed primarily to the Church in the Caribbean, it applies to the Body of Christ everywhere. It provides an understanding of the upheavals, conflict and turbulence of the present world order and describes some of the global polarizations and world clashes of both religious and humanistic origins. The cosmic nature of our earthly conflicts is exposed as the human kingdoms of the East and West clash and come up against the spiritual Kingdom of God. A warning cry goes out to the Church of Christ to beware of taking sides in a battle where there is no earthly winner and to choose the only course that is sustainable and eternal - the Kingdom of God. It begins with repentance. The urgency of the times is underscored and the challenge to the people of God in the Caribbean to fulfill its mission and to overcome goes forth with clarity and resonance.

"This book has given me a new and fresh appreciation of who we are as Caribbean Christians. While we can rejoice at the uniqueness of our collectivity, we must take seriously our role in this pivotal period in the history of the Caribbean Church. The book is scholarly but riveting and compelling. It provokes much introspection. Joan Purcell skillfully gives a backdrop to the various kingdoms (East and West) that hold sway in the world today and she juxtaposes these kingdoms with the Kingdom of God. This book is a charge to Kingdom Citizens of the Caribbean to take advantage of the Kairos moment in which the Caribbean Church currently finds itself

Mae Patterson, Educator, Professor, St. George’s University

"The mission of the Church is the most important mission on earth. Her Christocentric mission is to accomplish a specific mission – His Mission. The Christian community in the Caribbean is expected to play its role in Jesus’ missionary mandate, endeavouring to use its diverse ethnicity, versatility and potential, to reach the world. This book paints a lucid picture of some ideological challenges we face in the region and the world as a whole. However, the author seeks to convince our Caribbean brethren that we are an essential tool in God’s hands as we forge ahead to reach lost souls for Christ in these end times. I readily recommend this must-read, thought-provoking literature, especially for Caribbean readers."

Stephenson Worme, Pastor, Faith Pentecostal Tabernacle.


Joan Purcell (B.Sc.,M.ED.,Dip. Theology), an Educator, missionary and bible teacher, has served in various areas of Christian Ministry over the past forty years - locally, regionally and internationally. Joan Purcell has also been involved in her country’s politics and served in public office for fourteen years. She is a strong proponent of a biblical worldview in all of life and seeks to live this out in service to her country and region. She is a widow, mother and grandmother and resides in Grenada, Eastern Caribbean.





Sworn in as a Minister of Government by Governor General, Sir Paul Scoon March 21, 1990

With the Grenada Delegation attending Tourism Fair, in Berlin, Germany 1992

Joan with her 2 grandkids, Maia and Sydney at Sydney's 1st Birthday

Joan with her mother the late Laura Orgias at her 90th Birthday Party, August 2002

Joan's son, daughter-in-law and their 2 kids Sydney and Maia. October 2006





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